Class Schedule, Workshops & Events



FLOWs are, as the name says, continuous movement courses and offer you to find your own pace and flow state. They build mostly on STRALA yoga and often include my spherical movement approach to expand your experience. You are invited to include your own variations and there is not much intervening for you to feel the freedom of movement. Depending on the FLOW, the experience can be energizing, relaxing, strengthening, restoring. You will find specifications and descriptions in the class schedule.


CLASSes are four you to learn more about specific movements, poses, the body. They are structured in a way that gives you the opportunity to ask questions, try out movements various times and receive more specific instructions and tips. This format offers more time to learn and try out.


WORKSHOPs are usually longer sessions (2 hours+), that revolve around specific topics, such as Handstands, Arm Balances, TaiChi Styles, Movement Principles, and more.
They are structured around various exercises and knowledge transfer.


Generally, all classes and types are open for every level. Whether you have never done yoga before, or for decades already. Most important is to listen to your own body and needs and follow your own pace. As CLASSes offer the opportunity to learn more specifically about certain movements and slower FLOWs are as the name says slower, they are in themselves easier to follow for beginners.


The open schedule is always updated monthly.

All classes can be lead in German and English.

This is a boutique yoga studio in the heart of Düsseldorf with limited number of spots per class.
for morning classes, please sign up until 8pm the day before. For evening classes until 2 hours before.
Open classes will take place with a minimum number of 3 participants.


in-person @ the studio

28 €


10x card

250 € (valid 6 months)